Growth of Truck Ownership

by The Diesel Podcast

The growth of a truck owner is a fascinating one – and a journey we all go on. Social media plays a large role in the trends a first-time truck owner will focus on. And it was always like that, but instead of social media, it was magazines, TV, and movies. As we get older, truck ownership evolves and that’s a major factor the community is ignoring.

Thinking back to my first truck, I cringe at the upgrades I did to it. At the time, I was influenced by people around me, the times, and automotive culture. Older truck guys would shake their heads at my friends and me, but we didn’t care, we were cool. But as time went on, the old trends died out and so did my interest in them. Instead of a loud exhaust, big wheels and tires, a big lift, I wanted power and performance. I hit the middle phase of truck ownership. Most of the people I knew in the same age range left behind the aesthetic upgrades and dug into upgraded turbos, injectors, custom tuning, built transmissions, and suspension upgrades. You’d find us at the local track on test and tune nights.

Fast-forwarding, this same truck owner (and myself) can also hit another phase. This is where reliability, longevity and comfort reign supreme over power, performance and looks. Instead of massive single or compound turbos, they are now interested in motor oils, how well their fuel filters remove contaminants, operating temperatures, fuel economy, and more. When I was younger, I referred to this as “old guy” stuff, but now that I’m in this phase, it makes complete sense. Spending 6 figures on a loaded diesel truck, I want to make sure it lasts and performs well. I want to limit maintenance costs and enjoy the truck for years.

Where all these phases converge is in how the diesel industry caters to them. Each group is segmented and brands congregate in one or the other. But the 18-21 year old who wants a 5″ straight pipe exhaust also moves into the performance phase, and settles into the reliability category down the road. This is where brands can grow with an individual truck owner through all their phases, versus serving them for 3-5 years, saying goodbye and hoping to appeal to the next generation.

We are starting to see some diesel companies do this. This can also be where tremendous growth happens for the companies in the diesel aftermarket segment. A varied product line, effective communication to each type of owner, engaging on different social media platforms, and listening to customer feedback can pay huge dividends. Not only for the company, but also the truck owner. When we establish a relationship with a brand and trust it, we want to stick with it. The future is exciting to envision brands covering the life cycle of a truck owner – and producing exceptional products for each phase we go through.

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